SYBARITE - December 1979, Solstice Issue (NSFW)
This is a painstaking reproduction of the December 1979 Solstice issue of SYBARITE, an adult entertainment magazine recently discovered by PSC members working undercover in AR00043995 (AR = alternate reality). We look forward to making more issues available as research funding and investigation timelines permit!
Please note that as a historically accurate artifact of life in December 1979, AR00043995, this product contains graphic nudity, as well as sexual and drug-related content. We share it with you in the spirit of scholarship, but denizens of this reality consume it at their own risk. By downloading this product, you acknowledge that this content may be deemed inappropriate for human consumption by the cultural and medical standards of our own dimension and assume all liability for your own cognitive, emotional, and physiological responses.
We encourage you to read more about how this work was produced here.
When you checkout, you will be redirected to a download link hosted by Google Drive, where you can obtain the document file. While the initial version of this publication is currently available in PDF, we are eager to get this important work in the hands of anyone who is interested in our mission. Please don't hesitate to be in touch with our member services team at paranormalsmutclub at gmail dot com for accessibility support and any other format requests you may have.
You'll get a full color PDF issue.